Sailing With A Dog: Should I Bring My Dog Sailing?

Sailing with a dog can be a very rewarding and joyful experience. After all, this treasured pet feels more like a member of your family than a loyal and affectionate companion. You’ve probably asked yourself, “Should I bring my dog sailing? How could I ever just leave him behind?” This article will help you decide whether or not having a …

What is Port and Starboard on a sailboat?

Boating beginners always seem to struggle with the terms ‘port’ and ‘starboard’.  I always get the question,”What is Port vs Starboard? and Why can’t we just call it the left and right side of the boat?”  This common confusion is simple to clear up with a brief explanation of the function and the history of the terms ‘port’ and ‘starboard’. …

Sailing for Beginners: 7 Essential Sailing Tips

So you’ve decided to learn to sail, and as a beginner, you are planning your first time out. There are probably all kinds of questions in your head about how to best prepare for your first time sailing. This article is will give you the best start possible by providing sailing tips on what to expect, some basic rules all …

What Is A Water Ballast Sailboat?

On my own sailboat, I have a water ballast system. I was unsure about the stability and efficacy of this system at first. From my experience, a water ballast sailboat, in place of a lead keel boat, is an incredibly worthwhile and effective option to consider when purchasing a sailboat. What is a water ballast sailboat? A water ballast sailboat …

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How to call the Coast Guard on VHF

The Coast Guard is there to help. They have assisted me several times, and each time I’ve come away with a very satisfying feeling that I did the right thing by calling. In this article, you will learn how to contact the Coast Guard on VHF. Generally speaking, when you call the Coast Guard on VHF your need to: Be …

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7 Real Reasons Why You Should Own A Sailboat

It’s time to consider a pleasure craft purchase.  You’ve earned it. You can justify it. Maybe you’ve been out a few times with friends and the boating bug has bit you.  Or possibly you’re an independent soul who would rather take to the waterways instead of the highways in search of adventure. Maybe you’ve always had a thing for sailboats …

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Stop a Sailboat – 6 Ways to Make ‘No Way’

I’ve learned a great many skills, hobbies, and athletic activities over the years.  With each one, especially those involving speed, I have always wanted to know one thing before I get in motion.  And that one thing is “Just Tell Me, How Do I Stop???” From snowboarding or skiing, biking or rollerblading, I enjoy the activity, but I simply insist …

How Does a Sailboat Steer?

So how does one steer a sailboat?  Most people approach steering a sailboat the same way they would steer their car. When the steering wheel turns to the right, it steers your car to the right, etc, etc.  Sailboats with a tiller are different. They have a unique and counter-intuitive way of steering. Turn the tiller to the left and …

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Five Foundational Sailing Knots

Any Google search  for “knot” comes up with an almost endless list of knots that can be learned.  To say this is can be overwhelming is an understatement. Even narrowing your search to “sailing knots” is not really of any help.  There are so many knots to be learned, it can be confusing to know where to start. Besides, knots …

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The Difference Between Tacking And Jibing (Gybing)

When I first started out, I remember going through my very first tacks and jibes.  The skipper would call out “Ready About!” and I will admit, I was not ready at all. I watched and listened as more seasoned sailors around me rapidly released ropes free of winches, while others wrapped ropes around other winches.  Ropes were sent flying off …