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Must Have Sailing Gear for Beginners

It seems there are two kinds of crew on a sailboat.  The first is an over-prepared rookie with 900 pounds of unnecessary gear. The other, an overly confident veteran sailor with what he feels are ‘just the basics’.  The former packs for every eventuality, and in return, is only partially prepared for any of the actual realities of sailing. The …

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Can a Sailboat Tip All the Way Over?

Can a sailing sailboat tip over when it heels over?  This is a question I hear a great deal.  If it’s not asked of me directly, I certainly can see it in new sailor’s faces. Usually the first time under sail, and at the first big gust of wind!  Everything appears under control. The sun, wind, and spray off the …

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What Do You Do When There Is No Wind?

More often than we like, a perfectly good sailing day is cut short by a serious die off in the the wind.  What do you do now? Many resources would point to various activities or chore lists. Clean the boat, make lunch and wait it out, or go back to port and wait for a better day to sail. are …

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How to Set a Sailboat Anchor in 5 Steps

There is really nothing quite like being secure at anchor.  After all, to properly anchor a sailboat takes preparation, the right gear, and a bit of skill.   Whether you anchor a sailboat  overnight, a quick lunch stop, or a multi hour break to refit or repair something , all competent skippers have had to learn about this one question…. How …